Aveniq IT Services S.R.L.

Privacy Notice

Last update: 02.06.2023

Aveniq IT Services S.R.L. and its affiliated companies (as defined below) take the protection of your personal data in the context of your job application very seriously. Therefore, we would like to inform you in this Privacy Notice about the data protection measures we take as well as how we process your personal data and when we store which data.

This Privacy Notice is designed to meet the requirements of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (“FDAP”), the revised Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (“revFDAP”) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), considering its local implementation in Romania. Whether and to what extent these laws and regulations are applicable depends on the specific scenario.

Who is responsible for processing your data?
The Aveniq Group consists of the companies Aveniq Ltd., Aveniq Avectris Ltd., Aveniq Comicro Ltd., Aveniq ERPsourcing Ltd., Aveniq Logicare Ltd., all based in Switzerland, and Aveniq IT Services S.R.L., based in Romania (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Aveniq”, “we” or “us”). Pursuant to data protection laws, Aveniq is responsible for the data processing described in this Privacy Notice (joint responsibility), unless specified otherwise in this Privacy Notice.

The application process is initiated via LinkedIn, respectively a website with our application form. In terms of content, we process applications exclusively via our own application form. If you apply by other means, we will provide the link with the form to you. We use Microsoft 365 services for the form, which binds us to Microsoft’s privacy statement (Microsoft Privacy Statement). The data transmission is encrypted, and the data is stored in Switzerland on our Microsoft 365 tenant. We store the information you provide during the application process. The application process in Romania is supported by Xiting ROM SRL (hereinafter “Xiting”).

What type of data do we process?
In the context of your application, we process several categories of personal data, in particular the following:

Transmission Data
If you use our form to submit your application, we process the date and time data during submission.

Application Data
When you apply for a vacancy, we need information and documents about you (CV, diplomas, job references, etc.) in order to review your application. The data marked with an asterisk are required as a minimum.

We keep the application data you enter in the application form in a protected data storage. Within the protected storage, we create a protected folder for the submitted application documents. For changes or deletions, please contact us via cluj@aveniq.ch.

Technical Data
For information on the technical data we process when you visit our websites, please refer to Aveniq’s general privacy notice: Privacy notice (aveniq.ch)

Other Data
As soon as you communicate with us, we process the corresponding communication data and documents you send us. For the conclusion of a contract, we process the corresponding contract and master data. However, this data is usually processed via e-mail. In the context of the employment relationship in Romania, CONTZILLA SRL (hereinafter “Contzilla”) assists with the processing of local social insurances as well as other insurances and statutory levies.

You will provide us with the majority of the aforementioned data yourself as part of the application process and communication. With the exception of a legal obligation in individual cases, you are not obliged to do so. However, if you wish to apply for a job at Aveniq, you shall truthfully provide us with the data requested in the relevant forms. If you provide us with data about other persons, such as family members, references, etc., we assume that you are authorized accordingly, and that this data is correct. You confirm this assumption by submitting data about third parties. Please also make sure that these third parties have been informed about this Privacy Notice.

For which purposes do we process data?
All data that you provide during user registration and your application will only be used to review and assess your application for a specific position or to contact you and eventually conclude an employment relationship.

On what basis do we process data?
We process all personal data you disclose on the basis of your consent, insofar as necessary for the processing of the application process, i.e. to check whether you are suitable for a vacant position and to contact you. Otherwise, we only process your data if we have a legitimate interest in doing so to achieve the aforementioned purposes, particularly to comply with legal requirements, unless this applies as an independent legal basis under the applicable data protection laws.

To whom will your data be disclosed?
The personal data you disclose to us will be treated confidentially. In the context of a specific application, only persons involved in filling this position have access to the data you have provided. These are in particular Aveniq’s HR in Switzerland and Romania as well as potential managers and team members from one or more companies of the Aveniq Group. In Romania, the application process is supported by Xiting, and during the employment the local fiduciary office Contzilla assists with administrative issues such as the handling of social security benefits. Beyond that, we do not disclose any personal data to companies or individuals outside Aveniq.

Insofar as we are legally required to do so or it appears necessary to protect our interests, we will pass on your data to offices, courts and other authorities in Switzerland and abroad.

Wie lange bearbeiten wir deine Daten?
Deine Daten im Zusammenhang mit einer konkreten Bewerbung über das Bewerbungsformular und allfällige Notizen des Recruiters bleiben nach Abschluss des Bewerbungsverfahrens während höchstens 272 Tagen aktiv, es sei denn du widerrufst deine Zustimmung früher, und befinden sich nach der Löschung während 93 Tagen in einem Back-up. Deine über das Formular eingereichten Bewerbungsunterlagen werden mit Abschluss des Bewerbungsprozesses sofort gelöscht und befinden sich noch 93 Tage in einem Back-up. 

Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, die von dir erfassten Personalien (ohne E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnr. und Dokumente) zu statistischen Zwecken im System zu historisieren, allenfalls in pseudonymisierter oder anonymisierter Form.

How long will your data be processed?
Your data in connection with a specific application via our application form and notes of the recruiter, if any, remain active for a maximum of 272 days, unless you revoke your consent earlier, and remain stored in a back-up for 93 days after deletion. Your application documents submitted via the form will be deleted immediately after completion of the application process and remain in a back-up for 93 days.

We reserve the right to historize your personal data (without e-mail address, phone number and documents) in the system for statistical purposes, if necessary, in pseudonymized or anonymized form.

How is your data protected?
Aveniq uses appropriate technical and organizational security measures to ensure that the data you provide is protected against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, alteration, destruction, or access by unauthorized persons. In the case of collection and processing of personal data, the information is transmitted in encrypted form to prevent misuse of the data by third parties. Our security measures are continuously adapted in line with technological developments.

What are your rights?
Information about your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data can be found in Aveniq’s general privacy notice: Privacy notice (aveniq.ch)

If you have any problems or questions regarding the application process, please contact the responsible HR Manager or contact us via cluj@aveniq.ch.
For questions regarding data protection or to assert your related rights, please contact the following (Data Protection Officer pursuant to Art. 37 et seq. DSGVO as well as data protection advisor according to Art. 10 revDSG):

Aveniq Avectris Ltd
Data Protection Officer
Bruggerstrasse 68
5401 Baden

Updates to this Privacy Notice
The constant development of the internet and the applicable data protection laws makes it necessary to make adjustments to our Privacy Notice from time to time. We reserve the right to make appropriate changes at any time.